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Massively Multiplayer Gaming

Massively multiplayer gaming is growing very fast, especially with faster connections becoming available. Mark worked on a number of massively multiplayer, persistent world games from 1998.

The games are still covered by confidentiality agreements so it's not possible to give many details.

One game was a massively multiplayer space trading and combat game that was totally scalable and was designed to spread throughout the Internet, utilising Internet protocols in ingenious ways. It would sit on top of the Internet.

Another massively multiplayer game was based around developing online communities. A beta test group was set up and played some games within the virtual environment created for the game.

There is more information on this page: Hollis Research.

Many of the underlying principles that were made explicit while working on these games have been applicable to the mobile phone games Mark has designed. More on these at this page: Mobile Phone Games

Email Mark at mark@eyles.co.uk
All material on this site is copyright Mark Eyles 2002 and should not be used in any part without prior written permission. All rights reserved.